Thursday, March 7, 2013

Waiting on Boaz

I'm single.
Ready to mingle.
Aww yea.

No, seriously, I am single and ready to mingle. Or so I think I am.

You see, I am waiting on Boaz.

Who is Boaz, you ask?

In the Book of Ruth, Boaz is the husband of the protagonist, Ruth. He was not her first husband, and she came from the land of Moab, described as a place of malice. Sounds, like a great set up for a Lifetime movie, right? Well established man meets hot widow from Moab, where the women might have...questionable morals.

But this was no Lifetime movie. Ruth realized, after suffering the death of her husband and the stress of moving to a new area,  that she could indeed find love after heartbreak and confusion. We all can, and that is the main part of the story that sticks out the most to me. She was able to find happiness after all, even though she had to WAIT.

Waiting sucks.

I would know; I'm impatient. I hate waiting in line at the airport, I hate waiting to use the bathroom in my house at night, I hate waiting for my hair to dry. Did I mention that I'm impatient?

But what I am beginning to slowly realize is that if you really want something good in your life, sometimes you have to wait. Rushing into things, especially romantic relationships, will only backfire on you. I see so many people rushing to get married and have children. I used to be in that rush too; I had life planned out where I'd be married by 25 with children by 27. Although I'm 22 right now, I realize that life might not work out that way. I have learned that waiting on  the Lord is the best thing you could do. There is a great joke about Boaz - it goes like this:

To All the Single Ladies wanting to get married, here’s a quick piece of Biblical advice: Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on your Boaz, don’t settle for ANY of his relatives: brokeaz, poaz, lyinaz, cheatinaz, dumbaz, drunkaz, cheapaz, lockedupaz, goodfornuthinaz, lazyaz, or marriedaz & especially his third cousin beatinyoaz. PLEASE wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects yoaz!

I couldn't have said it better myself! You cannot get impatient and allow yourself to settle, it will only bring you misery and grief. So while I wait patiently on my Boaz, I'd ask that you unmarried ladies would wait too. You know in your heart when a relationship is not working, and I truly pray young women my age would be able to realize they are all daughters of the King of Kings. He doesn't want you dating a fool! Like the Book of Proverbs says, "get wisdom, get understanding!" 

So while we are waiting on Boaz, let's grow ourselves as women of God so that when he DOES come along, we will only enhance the life he has, and he ours. 

Thanks for reading again!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christianity is NOT a TShirt

Christianity is not a t-shirt.

It is not a fitting room.

It is not a new pair of shoes you try on and cast to the side when they don't fit.

In this society of instant gratification, we have limitless possibilities. We can go anywhere, be anything, learn any language, travel to any country, if only we have the resources and time to do so. Our society is an open minded one, for the most part, and I do believe that is a good thing. I believe that a country that cannot change with the times will condemn itself to fall behind in the global scheme of time.

As Americans, we have access to the most options. We can choose college, cars, cell phones, shoes, neighbourhoods to live in, etc. We can even "choose" a religion.

A religion? Really?

Apparently a class I recently took this past semester, we had a Spiritual Diversity project. This involved us exploring a religion other than our own, and then explaining it to the class as it relates to our future professions (counseling). While I chose to cover Hinduism, several other students in the class chose to cover Christianity (with a majority covering Catholicism, and one covering a Protestant denomination).

I wanted to bang my head on a table the 99% of the time.

Christianity is not something you try on like a t-shirt, to be discarded when it doesn't fit and you find something else that does. Now, I may be offending some of my readers, but the point of this blog is not to be politically correct. It isn't to ensure people are comfortable with what I write; the most thought provoking and influential things I've ever read have NOT been either of those things.

Please let me explain Christianity as I understand it.

Christianity is orthodox, meaning it as a religion prides itself on the correct doctrine. The heart of Christianity is not about whether you are Catholic or Protestant. It is not about whether you wear skirts only or never cut your hair. It does not concern itself with whether you pray to Saint Teresa the Little Flower or not.

Christianity IS about a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ. The Bible (in all its many versions) states that in order to be SAVED, one must believe and confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and God raised him from the dead. But what does that mean? What does it MEAN to be saved?

Salvation is a bit more complicated. I hear people often state that "they're saved." To a non believer or someone who isn't familiar with Christianity, that doesn't make any sense. Again, I'm going to explain what salvation means in my own words. Salvation means that you have confessed that Jesus is Lord (read=savior of the world who died for sins, which are wrongs committed by humans such that we might have eternal life with him in heaven). That makes you a Christian, and means that you are saved from eternal damnation (read=eternal separation from God the Father; more on the trinity in a later post).

The rest is secondary. Yes, as believers you should read your Bible, gather together, pray for each other and your enemies, etc. I'm sure someone has compiled a list of things we should be doing as Christians. But I do want you all to know that Christianity is not about the pope or your pastor, it is about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As my high school Spanish teacher said, "God doesn't have grandchildren." And as my Studies in Mysticism professor one said, "Christianity is different in that Ultimate Reality came HERE to Earth, unlike every other religion that exists."

So the next time you ponder life after the grave, spiritual, god, angels, demons, and all the rest, please try to remember that the Christian faith is not something to just try on like a fad and be tossed aside when it suits your fancy. It's a relationship, it's a lifestyle change, and Jesus has the power to transform your life today.

As the songwriter said, "Nobody told me the road would be easy, but I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

You Haven't Been to Church Since When?!

7 years. That's how long it's been since I've been to church. I know, I know...we're supposed to "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:25)." There are also other reasons supporting the idea that God desires for us to attend church services. Here are some verses that suggest this in addition to the one I just listed:

Romans 12:5
1st Corinthians 12:12
1st Corinthians 12: 14-23
1st Corinthains 12:27
Ephesians 4:12
1st Peter 4:10
1st Thessalonians 5:11
James 5:16
1st Peter 5: 1-4
Hebrews 13:17

That is a long list! They include verses on why it is effectual to meet up, what role our leaders (priests/pastors/ministers) play in our spiritual lives, and what advantages there are in attending services.

Having said all that, you probably now think I am a hypocrite. In a way, I am. In a way, I'm also not.

So how am I a hypocrite?
Well, I haven't been to church in seven years. Therefore, even making this post is somewhat hypocritical.

Then how am I also not a hypocrite?
Well, I am looking for a church. I was raised United Methodist (Google it if you're not familiar with that Protestant denomination), but I was always dissatisfied with the lukewarmness (a term used to describe one of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation, in case you aren't familiar with Biblical jargon) of it. I have never been a "Sunday pew" Christian, especially after I was exposed to another denomination in high school (the Assemblies of God, visit to learn more about their and my basic beliefs). Having been exposed to a more...on fire...(for lack of a better term) denomination, my split with the UM church was complete at the age of 15. That is when I  completely stopped attending church. I was dissatisfied with the community passion, mission work, youth group, and activities - all of which were COMPLETELY non existent. That's not me saying that the A/G denomination has churches that don't exhibit the same characteristics - I'm sure they, and all denominations, do. But some of what I learned in high school has stuck with me, and it has been for my better. Over the years (which include years of religious flipflopping and searching) I've come up with a list of what I believe makes a great church (and what I'm still looking for locally).

Rudi's Characteristics of a Great Church
1. Strong Biblical Basis - If your church leaders are giving sermons/homilies that are completely contradictory or do not correlate to what the Bible says, you're not at a very good church in my opinion. More specifically, churches need to be effective in relating the Bible to current events and occurrences.

2. Different Age Groups - A church that has ALL older people, or ALL younger people is lacking, in my opinion. Young people bring vitality and vigor to a church, while older people provide wisdom and guidance to newer generations. You need the rice with the beans - one without the other is just bland.

3. Good Worship Music - I love worship music (as well as old school hymns such as "His Eye Is On The Sparrow"), and if a church is just playing old, draggy, songs, I'm almost immediately turned off. To me, it indicates resistance to change, given the wide range of newer worship songs ranging from country to rock to gospel r&b.

4. Mission minded - This is my blog's namesake, so of course it's important. The Great Commission is outlined in Matthew 28:16, where Jesus told his disciples to go and spread the Word to all the nations, and to baptize in His name. If your church isn't actively trying to spread the word of God, there is a serious problem.

5. Love of God- Last but not least, your church should be passionate about God and His word. If your church dances around the more controversial aspects of God and only talks about the "warm fuzzies," then it is possible that they're ineffectual in exploring all aspects of the Christian life. This is detrimental because they are failing to show their congregants how God truly loves us IN SPITE OF..everything!

Well, there you have it. That is my list of what I think makes an effectual church and church leaders. Leave your thoughts in the comments section. Again, this blog is open to both Christians and non-Christians alike.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hello all,

My name is Rudi and this is my first post [hence the title "Introductions"] on blogger. I'm not entirely sure how this works right now, so if I make a few mistakes please forgive me. This short post exists to explain what I'll be discussing on this blog.

1. Contemporary Christian Woman - I am one, but since there are SO MANY different denominations of Christianity out there, let me clarify what I believe. I believe in Jesus Christ as the one and only saviour of the world. I believe he was sent by God the Father to save a dying and sinful world, and that through the free choice of salvation we will all be able to "enter into His gates with thanksgiving." I believe in water baptism, as well as baptism in the spirit (evidenced by speaking in tongues, but also by the other gifts of the spirit as listed in 1st Corinthians 12). Those are the very basics of my belief system. I consider myself to be a moderate (politically) Christian woman. I want to talk primarily about how I live my life as a Christian woman in 2012 and beyond, and look forward to your feedback on issues such as singleness, dating, church, dress, and the media.

2. Politics- I am a registered Democrat, but I consider myself to be a Compassionate Conservative (Google it!) politically. I'd like to discuss contemporary political issues and how they'll affect our lives as followers of Christ.

3. Randomness - Basically, this is the category where I'll be talking about everything else that doesn't necessarily pertain to sections one or two. This will include graduate school/college, family life, etc.

I hope you all (not just women) enjoy my blog, and I hope to reach out to Christians non Christians alike through this blog.