Thursday, March 7, 2013

Waiting on Boaz

I'm single.
Ready to mingle.
Aww yea.

No, seriously, I am single and ready to mingle. Or so I think I am.

You see, I am waiting on Boaz.

Who is Boaz, you ask?

In the Book of Ruth, Boaz is the husband of the protagonist, Ruth. He was not her first husband, and she came from the land of Moab, described as a place of malice. Sounds, like a great set up for a Lifetime movie, right? Well established man meets hot widow from Moab, where the women might have...questionable morals.

But this was no Lifetime movie. Ruth realized, after suffering the death of her husband and the stress of moving to a new area,  that she could indeed find love after heartbreak and confusion. We all can, and that is the main part of the story that sticks out the most to me. She was able to find happiness after all, even though she had to WAIT.

Waiting sucks.

I would know; I'm impatient. I hate waiting in line at the airport, I hate waiting to use the bathroom in my house at night, I hate waiting for my hair to dry. Did I mention that I'm impatient?

But what I am beginning to slowly realize is that if you really want something good in your life, sometimes you have to wait. Rushing into things, especially romantic relationships, will only backfire on you. I see so many people rushing to get married and have children. I used to be in that rush too; I had life planned out where I'd be married by 25 with children by 27. Although I'm 22 right now, I realize that life might not work out that way. I have learned that waiting on  the Lord is the best thing you could do. There is a great joke about Boaz - it goes like this:

To All the Single Ladies wanting to get married, here’s a quick piece of Biblical advice: Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on your Boaz, don’t settle for ANY of his relatives: brokeaz, poaz, lyinaz, cheatinaz, dumbaz, drunkaz, cheapaz, lockedupaz, goodfornuthinaz, lazyaz, or marriedaz & especially his third cousin beatinyoaz. PLEASE wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects yoaz!

I couldn't have said it better myself! You cannot get impatient and allow yourself to settle, it will only bring you misery and grief. So while I wait patiently on my Boaz, I'd ask that you unmarried ladies would wait too. You know in your heart when a relationship is not working, and I truly pray young women my age would be able to realize they are all daughters of the King of Kings. He doesn't want you dating a fool! Like the Book of Proverbs says, "get wisdom, get understanding!" 

So while we are waiting on Boaz, let's grow ourselves as women of God so that when he DOES come along, we will only enhance the life he has, and he ours. 

Thanks for reading again!

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