7 years. That's how long it's been since I've been to church. I know, I know...we're supposed to "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of
doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the
Day approaching (Hebrews 10:25)." There are also other reasons supporting the idea that God desires for us to attend church services. Here are some verses that suggest this in addition to the one I just listed:
Romans 12:5
1st Corinthians 12:12
1st Corinthians 12: 14-23
1st Corinthains 12:27
Ephesians 4:12
1st Peter 4:10
1st Thessalonians 5:11
James 5:16
1st Peter 5: 1-4
Hebrews 13:17
That is a long list! They include verses on why it is effectual to meet up, what role our leaders (priests/pastors/ministers) play in our spiritual lives, and what advantages there are in attending services.
Having said all that, you probably now think I am a hypocrite. In a way, I am. In a way, I'm also not.
So how am I a hypocrite?
Well, I haven't been to church in seven years. Therefore, even making this post is somewhat hypocritical.
Then how am I also not a hypocrite?
Well, I am looking for a church. I was raised United Methodist (Google it if you're not familiar with that Protestant denomination), but I was always dissatisfied with the lukewarmness (a term used to describe one of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation, in case you aren't familiar with Biblical jargon) of it. I have never been a "Sunday pew" Christian, especially after I was exposed to another denomination in high school (the Assemblies of God, visit www.ag.org to learn more about their and my basic beliefs). Having been exposed to a more...on fire...(for lack of a better term) denomination, my split with the UM church was complete at the age of 15. That is when I completely stopped attending church. I was dissatisfied with the community passion, mission work, youth group, and activities - all of which were COMPLETELY non existent. That's not me saying that the A/G denomination has churches that don't exhibit the same characteristics - I'm sure they, and all denominations, do. But some of what I learned in high school has stuck with me, and it has been for my better. Over the years (which include years of religious flipflopping and searching) I've come up with a list of what I believe makes a great church (and what I'm still looking for locally).
Rudi's Characteristics of a Great Church
1. Strong Biblical Basis - If your church leaders are giving sermons/homilies that are completely contradictory or do not correlate to what the Bible says, you're not at a very good church in my opinion. More specifically, churches need to be effective in relating the Bible to current events and occurrences.
2. Different Age Groups - A church that has ALL older people, or ALL younger people is lacking, in my opinion. Young people bring vitality and vigor to a church, while older people provide wisdom and guidance to newer generations. You need the rice with the beans - one without the other is just bland.
3. Good Worship Music - I love worship music (as well as old school hymns such as "His Eye Is On The Sparrow"), and if a church is just playing old, draggy, songs, I'm almost immediately turned off. To me, it indicates resistance to change, given the wide range of newer worship songs ranging from country to rock to gospel r&b.
4. Mission minded - This is my blog's namesake, so of course it's important. The Great Commission is outlined in Matthew 28:16, where Jesus told his disciples to go and spread the Word to all the nations, and to baptize in His name. If your church isn't actively trying to spread the word of God, there is a serious problem.
5. Love of God- Last but not least, your church should be passionate about God and His word. If your church dances around the more controversial aspects of God and only talks about the "warm fuzzies," then it is possible that they're ineffectual in exploring all aspects of the Christian life. This is detrimental because they are failing to show their congregants how God truly loves us IN SPITE OF..everything!
Well, there you have it. That is my list of what I think makes an effectual church and church leaders. Leave your thoughts in the comments section. Again, this blog is open to both Christians and non-Christians alike.
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